
Stimulate Chakras - by Gaia Meditation

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Stimulate Chakras - by Gaia Meditation

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The Chakras are energy centers located in specific parts of your body. Your vital energy directly flows through your Chakra system and bring harmony among your physical body, mental state and spirit.

This Chakras meditation music was designed to clean and stimulate your 7 Chakras. The structure of this recording reflects the structure of the Chakra system: each Chakra corresponding to a body part, a color and a music note.

As we progress from the first to the seventh Chakra, the texture and frequency range of the background sounds, instruments and percussions will gently switch from low and rhythmic elements to treble, melodious, airy and cosmic ones. The music parts will become more and more abstract. The isochronic tones will take you from the Alpha state to the Beta state and eventually to the Gamma state.

1. Root Chakra - Muladhara (5min)

• Color: Red

• Root Note: C (Do) - 8 Hz (Alpha waves)

2. Sacral Chakra - Svadhishthana (5min)

• Color: Orange

• Root Note: D (Re) - 9 Hz (Alpha waves)

3. Solar Plexus Chakra - Manipura (5 min)

• Color: Yellow

• Root Note: E (Mi) - 10 Hz (Alpha waves)

4. Heart Chakra - Anahata (5 min)

• Color: Green

• Root Note: F (Fa) - 10.5 Hz (Alpha waves)

5. Throat Chakra - Vishudda (5 min)

• Color: Blue

• Root Note: G (Sol) - 12 Hz (Alpha waves)

6. Third Eye Chakra - Ajna (5 min)

• Color: Indigo

• Root Note: A (La) - 13 Hz (Beta waves)

7. Crown Chakra - Sahasrara (5 min)

• Color: Violet

• Root Note: B (Si) - 15 Hz (beta waves) and 40 Hz (Gamma waves)

This audio track will help tuning, cleansing and healing your Chakra system, hence your body, mind and soul. You will eventually get a feeling of pure bliss.


* Tuning: 432Hz

* Brainwave entrainment: isochronic tones


* Best time to listen: anytime, but never while operating machinery, driving or performing other hazardous activities. Also, as this recording induces Gamma or Beta waves, it's not recommended to listen before going to sleep.

* Use: This recording is for personal and private use only.

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Stimulate Chakras - MP3 320kbps

80.9 MB
35 minutes
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